Monday, September 27, 2010

You are Invited to Submit to the 2010-2011 Crayola Children's Art Exhibit for K thru 12th Grade Students

by Janis Brett Elspas

Parents & Teachers: Don't forget to post a favorite recollection of crayons from your own childhood in the comment section below this post.  I look forward to walking with you down memory lane!

Crayola, the originators of the crayon that has been enjoyed by generations of creative kids, has announced their annual children's art exhibition. 

Pictured in this post below are Mini Mommy Blog Expert's (my tween daughter's) original water color eco-friendly and Mother's Day illustrations that appear exclusively on this blog. My daughter, BTW, is working on her next guest post right now.

According to Crayola, the 2010-2011 Crayola Dream-Makers Art Exhibition focuses on students' visual expression of what creativity means to them.  Three submissions will be chosen from each grade level and finalists will be honored by having their original artwork framed, donated to, and exhibited at regional and/or national office of the Department of Education.  Each Finalist will receive a plaque with a replica of the original artwork.  A select sample of submitted artwork and "Dream Statements" will also be exhibited at the 2011 NAEA Conference, (Seattle, Washington).

Artwork will be divided by grades K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. There is no maximum number of entrants per grade level. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges consisting of employees of Crayola LLC ("Sponsor") or independent judges selected by Sponsor.  The judges will review all submissions and make selections based on the following criteria: 1) Interpretation and use of the theme: "Speak up for Creativity" in the artwork 2) How the written statement describes the artwork and the interpretation of the theme 3) Visual Appeal 4) Originality 5) Age Appropriateness 6) Craftsmanship.

To participate, teachers are invited to submit their students' art work following these guidelines
  • Create a “Dream Statement” to accompany each piece
    -50 words or less
    -Consider integrating words or the entire statement into artwork
  • Use a variety of 2-dimensional mediums including collage
    -Encourage use of different mediums. Use creative techniques such as blowing paint,
    crosshatching, stamping or tearing.
    -See “Art techniques” on for more ideas.
  • Make pieces no larger than 16 x 20 inches
  • Create individually expressive works
  • Entry deadline is  December 1, 2010
More details on how to enter Crayola's Coloring Exhibition is available here and official rules may be found here.

In addition to the upcoming kids art exhibition, offers a variety of FREE resources for kids to get involved in art.  These include, among other things, downloadable coloring pages, art techniques, craft ideas, a section for parents, and for teachers, art lesson plans for each grade level.

Parents & Teachers:  Please post a favorite recollection of crayons from your own childhood in the comment section.  I look forward to walking with you down memory lane!

FTC Disclosure:  MommyBlogExpert did not receive any payment or other compensation associated with this post.  See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.   

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