Monday, April 11, 2011

Jewish Holidays: What Would Moses Do for Passover Pesach in the Internet Age?


A decidedly modern twist on what the exodus from Egypt and the first Passover might have been like had Moses been alive today and communicating about Pesach with the world via cyberspace with Google, Twitter, Facebook and all the other hi tech ways news spreads these days.

Who doesn't need a little break from their Passover spring cleaning?  I know I sure do! Hopefully you'll enjoy this 2 minute YouTube, that appears to be going viral, as much as I did.

Leave a comment below once you've watched and tell  what you think about this clip.

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1 comment:

  1. A decidedly modern twist on what the exodus from Egypt and the first Passover might have been like had Moses been alive today and communicating about Pesach with the world via cyberspace with Google, Twitter, Facebook and all the other hi tech ways news spreads these days. surfing holidays
