Friday, October 2, 2009

Give a Day Volunteering, Get a FREE Disney PASS!

by Janis Brett Elspas,
The Mommy Blog Expert

This VOLUNTEERING is the perfect content for  a family-oriented blog like mine.

So glad to hear about this program under the auspices of Hands On Network to get more people to give back by giving their most precious gift to the community: their time.  Receiving passes in exchange for a day's volunteering is very generous and I hope it gets even more people to help out. My family, including hubbie and 4 tweens (triplets + 1 all born w/in a year) have always given time to many different organizations locally and nationally -- and we do it because we love to.

We not only have a great time doing the physical (and sometimes emotional) work but it bonds us as a family.  Sitting back to see how we are helping other people, animals, and all living things is an amazing reward for such little effort.  It's a great feeling to give back and make a difference in some way...everyone's got a special talent or gift that they're good at, including both young kids and all adults.  We've been doing it as a family with our kids since they were able to walk so they've grown up with the joy that only comes from volunteering. I think that is a wonderful legacy to pass on to the next generation.

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