Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Bonding for Tweens Teens


Mom and Daughter: Bake, Craft Together

Mother's Day is traditionally the time when kids make arts and crafts at school to surprise their moms on the big day. As a mom of triplets (almost 13) and big brother one year older, like many other mommies, I've accumulated quite a collection of gifts made with love by my kids.

But, just because the children are older, doesn't mean that we can't make something fun together here at home. So, while the cupcakes are baking on Mother's Day, my girls, their friends, their friends' moms, and I will make these cute cupcake cards. Individual paper cupcakes can easily be turned into refrigerator magnets) for a special lady of their choice.

Shush.... my girls are going to craft cards for their grandmother (who is also my own mother).

Whether your kids are toddlers or teens, you're never too young or too old to make do something artsy craftsy.  Best of all, making something for a special mom helps bond you with your children.  I'm anticipating that tweens, teens, and their moms are really going to enjoy spending some quality time together.

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