Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Trident Gum Oral Health America Wellness


My family, including our kids, are devoted to volunteering in the community. So when I hear of a worthy cause that a major consumer brand such as Trident Gum is involved in that benefits children in need, I want to pass that information on to this blog's followers. A child's smile truly is worth a million bucks -- regardless of socio-economic status.

MBE partnered with Trident for this post

That's why I'm pleased to be partnering with Trident by encouraging Mommy Blog Expert readers to do your part to help stop childhood tooth decay, especially among;kids nationwide who are most at-risk for lack of proper dental care.

Win a Year's Supply of Gum Giveaway, Details Below

How You Can Help

For each pack of Trident gum you buy from September 19 - 25, the brand will donate five cents to Oral Health America's Smiles Across America. This program supports vital school-based and school-linked oral health services for children and families across the U.S.

WIN A Year's Supply of
Trident Gum
No Purchase Necessary - Ends 10/17

How to Enter Giveaway

Leave one or more comments below this post saying why you'd like to be the one to win. Contest ends October 17, 2011 at 12 midnite PST and is open to legal residents of the U.S. only. Winner will be selected at random from all entries and notified via email. A year's supply of gum is 52 packs.

Required (Mandatory) Entry
Simply leave a comment below this blogpost saying why you should be the one to win this prize.  Don't forget to include your email address, Facebook or Twitter contact info in the comment section so the winner can be contacted.

Additional Extra Entries 
Get extra entries to win for doing any combination (or all) of the easy options listed below.  Just be sure to return to MommyBlogExpert to leave an additional comment after each individual extra action you do to confirm so we can record all your extra chances to win. 

1. Follow @MommyBlogExpert on Twitter
2. Follow @MommyBlogExpert on Facebook 
3. Follow @Trident on Facebook 

Don't Forget to TWEET - For Super ***Bonus Entries*** 
You can earn even more chances to win each time you Tweet the message below up to 3 times/day

 WIN a YEAR of Trident Gum + Help at-risk Kids Get Dental Care #giveaway #community #kids Ends 10/17, Pls RT

About Trident

Trident Sugar Free Gum has long been a pioneer in providing oral health benefits to consumers. Today, Trident is the best selling chewing gum and sugar free gum in the world. A recent study shows that the brand continues to be recommended by four out of five dentists who recommend sugar-free gum to their patients who chew gum.

FTC Disclosure Trident is providing the prize for this giveaway contest. I did not receive compensation associated with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.