Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12th Anniversary September 11th Pictorial Memorial - May G-d Continue to Bless America


If you're 18 or older, you likely remember exactly where you were when the news first broke. Today marks the 12th anniversary of that terrorist attack, the worse ever to ever take place on American soil.

One of many frontpage news stories I've collected,
On the 10th anniversary I attended the dedication of Beverly Hills September 11th Memorial and just before the 11th anniversary I made my first visit to the World Trade Center Memorial in New York, a day when --appropriately enough -- it rained symbolizing the many tears our nation has shed since that unforgettable day twelve years ago.

Let's not forget that tragic day and all those who were lost and injured -- including their families and friends. Let us also remember to support our U.S. service men and women that continue to fight terrorism around the world and to keep the USA safe. Above all, just like the Freedom Tower has risen like a phoenix at the former World Trade Center site, so too we must all look to the future with our heads held high. 

The world comes together after tragedy strikes,
Beverly Hills 9/11 Memorial,
My visit to World Trade Center Memorial, New York City,
The new Freedom Tower rises in NY,
May G-d continue to Bless America,
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