Twitter Parties
Updated Continuously - Sneak Peek at Coming Weeks Too!
Get all the details in this free constantly updated Twitter Party Master Calendar listing tons of family friendly parties including specifics on prizes you can win and links to RSVP and participate. Includes Twitter Parties in the U.S. and Canada. Be sure to check back often every week as new events are added on an ongoing basis -- often with new prize-winning opportunities added several times per day. You'll also get a sneak peek at Twitter parties coming up next week and in the month ahead. Now listing Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ parties with prizes too.

Be the first to know when the latest Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party schedule goes live by following MBE on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and/or subscribe now.
Most parties are for U.S. Only, unless indicated otherwise
Sunday, October 13
Coffee Mate Mira Quien Baila Companero Perfecto Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LasGringasBlog @Coffee_Mate. Prize: Coffee Mate prize pack that includes a $50 restaurant giftcard and branded products. #CompaneroPerfecto RSVP
Alaskan Women Twitter Party at 9:30 pm ET with @TweeParties @VeraSweeney @_Penelope @Hollyscoop @NoraGasparian. Prizes: FOUR (4) Miami Beach sets including bikini tees, margarita glasses, non-alcoholic mix & more. #AlaskanWomen RSVP
Monday, October 14
Cambridge Walgreens Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @DawnChats @therebelchick. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walgreens giftcards. #WalgreensCambridge RSVP
Energy to Burn Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @PeanutFarmers. Prizes: FOUR (4) Energy to Burn prize packs; THREE (3) $50 Visa giftcards; ONE (1) Grand Prize $100 Visa GC #EnergytoBurn RSVP
Thanksgivukkah Thanksgiving - Hanukkah Mashup Travel for Holidays Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @travelingmoms @kimorlando @debmomof3 @cindyrichards. Prizes: TBA #TMOM RSVP
Pasiones Peligrosas Twitter Party at 10 pm ET in Spanish with @Smiley360. Prizes: ONE (1) $100 Discovery giftcard; FOUR (4) $50 Discovery GCs; FOUR (4) $50 Amazon GCs and Pasiones Peligrosas t-shirts. #PasionesPeligrosas RSVP
Tuesday, October 15
Ocean Naturals Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @cleverhousewife @turningclockbac @oceannaturals. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #OceanNaturals RSVP
Motorola Baby Monitor Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @audreymcclellan. Prizes: TBA Participate in party with hashtag #MotorolaBabyMonitor Details
Mama Vox Box Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @influenster @belvita @Ponds @AnniesHomegrown. Prizes: TBA. #MamaVoxBox RSVP
Cookie Rumble Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @KitchenAidUSA @DorieGreenspan. Prizes: THREE (3) KitchenAid Hand Mixers. Participate in party with hashtag #CookieRumble
Moms and Brands ABC Kids Expo Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @momsandbrands. Prizes from Happy Family, Wallzical & Way Better Snacks. #MomsandBrands #ABCKids13 RSVP
Tuckaway Shores Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @tuckawayresort @saramomof2. Prizes: THREE (3) $25 Visa giftcards; TWO (2) 12-pack Tuckaway Shores Coolers; TWO (2) Tuckaway Shores Beach Towel & Beach lady Lip Balm prize packs; ONE (1) Grand Prize 2-night stay at Tuckaway Shores Resort, Florida. #TuckawayShores RSVP
Giftcard and GoWallet Chat Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @EnzasBargains @GoWallet. Prizes: $1000 in giftcard prizes w/ $250 Grand Prize pack GCs from various retailers to do your holiday shopping #GiftCardChat RSVP
Fair Trade Month Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @HonestTea @vivienneharr @fairtradeUSA. Prizes: TBA. #BeFair Details
Architec Housewares Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom @ArchitecProduct. Prizes: THREE (3) winners get Stackable Appetizer Maker + cookbook; ONE (1) winner gets Architec Hold Bowl; ONE (1) winner gets Architec Spoon Rests assortment. #Architec RSVP
Hillshire Farm Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @HillshireFarm @PollinateMedia @fashionistammc @jenhatzung. Prizes: FOUR (4) $25 Safeway giftcards. #Buy3save3 RSVP
Pur Baby Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @PURTweets. Prizes: FIVE (5) Baby Water purifiers. Participate in party w/ hashtag #PURBaby
Knorr Sides Twitter Party at 8-9:30 pm ET with @shibleysmiles @momdot @dollargeneral. Prizes: THREE (3) Grand Prizes, each including a full set of pots and pans + a Knorr apron. #KnorrSides RSVP
Walgreens Latino Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @OhMariana @Hotmamanthecity @smashbravoteam @paulabendfeldt @latinomarketing @latinamomblogs. Prizes: ONE (1) Walgreeens giftcard in each of the following denominations: $50, $75, $150 and $200. #WalgreensLatino RSVP
Sonsi Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @curvygirlchic @sonsiwoman @ceceolisa @ReahNorman. Prizes: FIVE (5) Sonsi giftcards worth a total $300. #BoostYourCQ RSVP
Some Nerve Book Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @riverheadbooks. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize Courage Kit including a backpack, Burt Bee's pedicure kit, swim goggles & swim cap, yellow water bottle, photo frame and copy of the book. ARV $127.92. TWO (2) runner-ups will get a photo frame and copy of book ARV $47.95. #SomeNerve RSVP
Encourage Back to School Girl Power Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @YMCBuzz. Prizes: FOUR (4) winners will each receive a prize pak that includes $50 President's Choice giftcard and $50 in assorted Dove products - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #GirlsUnstoppable RSVP
Groceries on the Go Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @iamthatlady @sistersshopping @savings @favadoapp and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Amazon giftcards and THREE (3) $100 grocery giftcards. #FavadoApp RSVP
Fresh Finds Twitter Party at 10 pm ET with @blm03 @miscfinds4u. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 SaveMart giftcards. #FreshFinds RSVP
Wednesday, October 16
Camden Children's Garden Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @camdenchildreng @Tiffany_hutch @NJandBeyond. Prizes: TWO (2) Family four-pack passes to Camden Children's Garden. #CamdenChildrensGarden. Details
Rubi 2 Go Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @kellysluckyyou @momwithadotcom @hello_rubi. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #rubi2go RSVP
Time to Play Weekly Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @TimetoPlay. Prizes: Toys! #TimetoPlayLive Details
Twitter Chat with HP at 1 pm ET with @HP_SmallBiz @RamonRay @SmallBizTrends. Prizes: TWO (2) HP Color Laser Jet Pro MFP M176/M177 Series printers. #NewStyleIT Details
Kmart Halloween Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Kmart @KmartDeals. $200 in prizes. #KmartHalloween RSVP
Trim 20 Minutes Off Your Morning Routine Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @Resourcefulmom. Prizes: FOUR (4) $25 Walmart giftcards. #SuaveTimeTips RSVP
My Sleep Serenity Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @MomCentral @Febreeze_Fresh @Alyssadotcom @SleepFoundation. Prizes: SIX (6) prize packages that include $50 Amazon giftcodes + Febreeze products. #MySleepSerenity Details
Motorola Baby Monitor Twitter Party with @fitpregnancy @audreymcclellan at 7 pm ET. Prize: Motorola Baby Monitor. Participate in party with hashtag #MotorolaBabyMonitor
Shutterfly Photos You Love Twitter Pinning Party at 8 pm ET with @Shutterfly. Prizes: Huge assortment of custom iPad and iPhone cases as well as photo cubes and other photo gift products, plus FIVE (5) $50 Shutterfly gift certificates and ONE (1) Grand Prize $150 GC. #PhotosYouLove RSVP
P&G Orgullosa for Early Breast Cancer Detection Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @superlatinashow @queenofswag4u @sassymamainLA @LatinaMomBlogs and others. Prizes: ONE (1) P&G Orgullosa gift basket + $50 Visa giftcard; ONE (1) P&G Orgullosa giftbasket + $100 GC; ONE (1) iPod Shuffle, Orgullosa giftbasket + $100 Visa GC; ONE (1) iPod Shuffle, Orgullosa giftbasket + $150 Visa GC. #Orgullosa4EarlyDetection RSVP
Meaningful Meals Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @MapleLeafPrime @UNICEFLive @MapleLeafFoods. Prizes: TBA - Canada residents only eligible to win prizes. #MeaningfulMeals - RSVP
Keep it Clean With Scrubbing Bubbles Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @i_heart_kroger @scrubbingbubble. Prizes: TBA. #KeepitCleanWithScrubbingBubbles RSVP
Pampers Party 9 pm ET with @Pampers @jessicamulroney @LobLawsON @amotherhoodblog @Listen2Lena @ThisBirdsDay. Prizes: TWO (2) $500 Pampers products prize packs; ONE (1) $100 Joe Fresh giftcard; FIVE (5) Pampers & Loblaws product packs - Canada residents only eligible to win prizes. #PampersParty RSVP
Fresh Effects Olay Twitter party at 9 pm ET with @FreshEffects @Walmart. Prizes: Over $1,000 in prizes: Multiple Olay Fresh Effects Gift Basket + Walmart giftcard prize packs; ONE (1) Grand Prize Olay Fresh Effects Gift Basket + $250 Walmart giftcard #FreshEffects RSVP
Dr Leg Candy Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @SweepTight @SavvyMomNYC. Prizes: FOUR (4) $100 Visa giftcards. #DrLegCandy RSVP
Neutrogena Hair Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @dailycurlz @lauratermini @bowesderm @lbconnect and others. Prizes: THREE (3) winners each get $100 giftcard + Neutrogena hair products. #NeutrogenaHair RSVP
Plush Las Vegas Kids Products Twitter Party 10:30 pm - 12:30 am ET with @TweeParties. Prizes: FOUR (4) big prizes kids will love and THREE (3) swag bags. #PlushVegas RSVP
Thursday, October 17
Georgia State Parks Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @GAStateParks @AtlantaMoms. Prizes: Friends of Georgia State Parks Family Membership ARV $75. #GAStateparks RSVP
Mamas & Papas Armadillo Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @MamasandPapas. Prizes: Armadillo stroller and stroller toys. #Armadillo Details
Pick up the Values Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Clever_Network @PickuptheValues. Prizes: Visa giftcards and Kimberly-Clark giftpacks. #Pickupthevalues RSVP
My Free Night Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @Hotelsdocom. Prizes: Free hotel stays & SWAG. Participate in party with hashtag #MyFreeNight
License to Spill Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @7onashoestring @formulamom @mohawkflooring. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Visa giftcards. #Licensetospill RSVP
Chili Palooza Twitter Party at 6:30 pm ET with @swbeans. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize winner gets a Chili Kit & $50 Visa giftcards; TEN (10) winners each get 3 cans S&W product + recipe brochure. #ChiliPalooza RSVP
Give Kids the World Village Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @SeaworldMommy @AdventuresbyDad. Grand Prize of ONE 2-night stay in a 2-bedroom villa at any Holiday Inn Club Vacations resort. #GKTWTweetup Details
Bilingual Plus Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Mamiverse @socialmoms @LorraineCLadish. Prizes: ONE (1) iPad Grand Prize; TWENTY (20) Bilingual Plus prize packs that include $25 iTunes giftcards. #BilingualPlus RSVP
Fab Fit Fun Quaker Medleys Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @FabFitFun @Quaker. Prizes: Quaker Real Medleys Bars + $50 Visa Giftcards. #MyMedleys RSVP
Let's Talk Bums Twitter party at 8 pm ET with @Cottonelle @simplystacienet @soberjulie. Prizes: Cottonelle products + giftcards - Canada residents only eligible for prizes. #LetsTalkBums RSVP
Kre-O CityVille Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @Momspark @Momsparkmedia @Hasbronews @KREODrMayhem @themommyfiles @socialstepfanie @missinglynxx @momstart. Prizes: FOUR (4) winners will get various KREO prize packs. #KREOCityVille RSVP
Happy Mat Yoga Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @FitApproach @NamatseYoga. Prize: $30 Lululemon giftcard. #sweatpink #HappyMat Details
Babies 'R Us GNO Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @BabiesRus @MomitForward and others. Prizes: TWO (2) winners get a $200 Babies 'R Us giftcard and a Pampers Prize Pack ARV $210. #BabyMilestones #GNO RSVP
Friday, October 18
Whirlpool Top Load Blitz Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @Sears @SearsDeals @WhirlpoolUSA. Prizes: TBA #TopLoadBlitz Details
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party chatting about smartphone photography hosted by @theonlinemom @thetechdad @robynsworld @verizoninsider at 3 pm ET. Prizes: Special prizes this week for best photos. To be eligible to win participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
More Twitter Parties constantly to be added for This Week to this list as soon as they're scheduled. So stay tuned for updates as they happen by following this blog.
Sunday, October 20
Alaskan Women Looking for Love Twitter Party at 9:30 pm ET with @TweeParties and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $100 Visa giftcards. #AlaskanWomen RSVP
Monday, October 21
Sheba Cat Twitter Party at Noon ET with @MsMissy62 @DawnChats. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #ShebaCat RSVP
Choose Smart Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @7onashoestring @laughwithusblog @smartfinal. Prizes: FOUR (4) $100 Smart & Final giftcards. #ChooseSmart RSVP
B-Daman Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @resourcefulmom @hasbronews. Prizes: FIVE (5) B-daman prize packs. #BDaman RSVP
Safety 1st Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @JulieVallese @AmerAcadPeds @Safety_1st @Babylovingmama. Prizes: Products from the Advanced Solutions Collection plus a Grand Prize of a Safety 1st Stroller or Car Seat of winner's choice. Participate in party with hashtag #Safety1st Details
Tuesday, October 22
Heart the World Twitter Party at Noon ET with @Hear_the_World. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 Amazon giftcards. Participate in party with hashtag #HeartTheWorld Details
Club Fresh Step at 1 pm ET with @WiCproject @miscfinds4u. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Sam's Club giftcards. #ClubFreshStep RSVP
Weekly Win Chat at 3 pm ET with @windows @windowsblog @kristinalibby. Participate in party w/ hashtag #winchat Details Soon
PG Best Defense Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @PGEveryday @CoreyWootton @NBCF and others. $1,000+ more in giftbasket prizes and ONE (1) Grand Prize PG gift basket and $200 Visa giftcard. #PGBestDefense RSVP
BIC Mark It Madness Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @smiley360. Prizes: EIGHT (8) $50 giftcards. #BICMarkitMadness RSVP
Seattle's Best Coffee Great Taste Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Socialmoms @SeattlesBest. Prizes: TWENTY (20) winners will each receive a $20 Walmart giftcard + a bag of Seattle's Best Coffee. #GreatTaste RSVP
This is Style Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @KellysLuckyYou @amomsimpression @dentistmel @SavvyMomNYC @SearsStyle. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Sears giftcards. #ThisisStyle RSVP
ScotchBrite Holiday Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @makobiscribe @scotchbrite_3M. Prizes: $100 Target giftcard and THREE (3) Scotch Brite brand dishwand suite packages. #ScotchBrite. RSVP
Window Covering Safety Cord Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @CordSafety @MomitForward and others. Prize: $50 giftcard in-chat, plus enter the $250 giftcard drawing. #GNO #CordSafety RSVP
Smithsonian Museum Mom Travel Chat at 9 pm ET with @Familiesgo. Prizes: 2-nite stay at Rouge Hotel in Washington, D.C. ARV $580 and a Piggyback Child Carrier ARV $100. #MOMTravelChat RSVP
Caseco Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @chancesmommy @casecocases @cellularfirminc. Prizes: SEVEN (7) Caseco $50 gift codes and ONE (1) Grand Prize that includes an iPhone 5C, Caseco protective case of winner's choice, Caseco PowerBox Universal and Caseco pill charger. ONE (1) iPad winner will be announced at this party - Both U.S. & Canada residents eligible to win prizes. #CasecoParty RSVP
Halloween Savings Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @maritramos @afrugalchick @savings @savingsclasses and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Target giftcards, ONE (1) $50 Amazon GC, ONE (1) $50 Incoco GC, ONE (1) $100 Amazon GC, and ONE (1) Halloween Express GC. #HalloweenSavings RSVP
Divina Latina Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @superlatinashow @paulabendfeldt @hotmamanthecity @LatinaMomBlogs and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Walgreens giftcards; TWO (2) $100 Walgreens GCs; ONE (1) $200 Walgreens GC. #DivinaRedCarpet RSVP
Baby Kicks Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @InquisitiveMom @BabyKicksUSA. Prizes: Four (4) Baby Kicks prize packs. #BabyKicks RSVP
Hoya Lenses Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @lomargie @freebies4mom @profmurrayhoya. Prize: FIVE (5) prizes, including one Kindle Fire. #HoyaLenses RSVP
Switch to Natural Dyes Twitter Party 9-10:30 pm ET with @BookieBoo @ColorGardenDyes @NaturallySavvy. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize non-toxic baking gift basket ARV $100; ONE (1) non-toxic gift basket valued at each of these amounts: $80, $70, $60, $50, $40, $30 and $25. #ColorGardenDyes RSVP
Wednesday, October 23
Scent Savings Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @dentistmel @jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #ScentSavings RSVP
Conair Curl Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @sweeptight @therebelchick. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #ConairCurl RSVP
Thursday, October 24
Spooky Celebration Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @blm03 @formulamom. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #SpookyCelebration RSVP
Contours Bliss Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @socialmoms @contoursbaby. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 Amazon giftcards; TWO (2) Grand Prizes: Contours Bliss 4-in-1 Strollers ARV $399.99. #ContoursBliss RSVP
Join the Fight Against Breast Cancer Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Touchstonecryst @comiendoenla @coolchillmom and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) winners will each get a Touchstone crystal piece; ONE (1) Grand Prize $60 jewelry piece #MuyLatinas RSVP
Friday, October 25
Saute Express Twitter Party at Noon ET with @DawnChats @TurningClockBac @LandoLakesktchn. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #SauteExpress RSVP
Cup of Kaffe at 1 pm ET with @therebelchick @momwithadotcom @gevalia. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #CupofKaffe RSVP
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party chatting about smartphone photography hosted by @theonlinemom @thetechdad @robynsworld @VerizonInsider at 3 pm ET. Prizes: TBA. To be eligible to win participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
Tuesday, October 29
Twitter Party for a Cause with AK Ventilation at 2 pm ET with @HillHouseMedia @HillHouseRock @Heather69195426 @AKVentilation. Prizes: FIVE (5) AKventilation prize packs + FOUR (4) $50 Visa giftcards. #ClimateChange #AirKing RSVP
Great Call Urgent Care Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @brettbmartin @kellibmiller and others. Prizes: TBA. #UrgentCareapp RSVP
Friday, October 25
Disney Channel Peanus Great Pumpkin Halloween Twitter Instagram Party at 7 pm ET with Debby Ryan. Prizes TBA. RSVP
Sunday, November 3
Coffee Mate Mira Quien Baila Companero Perfecto Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LasGringasBlog @Coffee_Mate. Prize: Coffee Mate prize pack that includes a $50 restaurant giftcard and branded products. #CompaneroPerfecto RSVP
Wednesday, November 6
LGBT Family Travel Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando @cindyrichards @Debmomof3 @Mombian @ehechtmcgowan @KimSimes @ResidenceInn. Prizes: TWO (2) signed cookbooks; ONE (1) Grand Prize $250 Residence Inn by Marriott giftcard. #TMom #RIFamily RSVP
Tuesday, November 12
Switch to Swerve Twitter Party 9-10:30 pm ET with @BookieBoo @SwerveSweetie. Prizes: 15 Swerve Giveaways, details TBA. #Switch2Swerve RSVP
Friday, November 29
Bark Friday Twitter Party at Noon ET with @AllThingsDog @EventBarkers. Prizes: TEN (10) doggie prize packages valued at approx $100 each. Participate in party w/ hashtag #BarkFriday. More details soon
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar. Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. However, I did not receive any payment or other compensation associated with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
Alaskan Women Looking for Love Twitter Party at 9:30 pm ET with @TweeParties and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $100 Visa giftcards. #AlaskanWomen RSVP
Monday, October 21
Sheba Cat Twitter Party at Noon ET with @MsMissy62 @DawnChats. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #ShebaCat RSVP
Choose Smart Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @7onashoestring @laughwithusblog @smartfinal. Prizes: FOUR (4) $100 Smart & Final giftcards. #ChooseSmart RSVP
B-Daman Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @resourcefulmom @hasbronews. Prizes: FIVE (5) B-daman prize packs. #BDaman RSVP
Safety 1st Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @JulieVallese @AmerAcadPeds @Safety_1st @Babylovingmama. Prizes: Products from the Advanced Solutions Collection plus a Grand Prize of a Safety 1st Stroller or Car Seat of winner's choice. Participate in party with hashtag #Safety1st Details
Tuesday, October 22
Heart the World Twitter Party at Noon ET with @Hear_the_World. Prizes: FIVE (5) $25 Amazon giftcards. Participate in party with hashtag #HeartTheWorld Details
Club Fresh Step at 1 pm ET with @WiCproject @miscfinds4u. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Sam's Club giftcards. #ClubFreshStep RSVP
Weekly Win Chat at 3 pm ET with @windows @windowsblog @kristinalibby. Participate in party w/ hashtag #winchat Details Soon
PG Best Defense Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @PGEveryday @CoreyWootton @NBCF and others. $1,000+ more in giftbasket prizes and ONE (1) Grand Prize PG gift basket and $200 Visa giftcard. #PGBestDefense RSVP
BIC Mark It Madness Twitter Party at 4 pm ET with @smiley360. Prizes: EIGHT (8) $50 giftcards. #BICMarkitMadness RSVP
Seattle's Best Coffee Great Taste Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @Socialmoms @SeattlesBest. Prizes: TWENTY (20) winners will each receive a $20 Walmart giftcard + a bag of Seattle's Best Coffee. #GreatTaste RSVP
This is Style Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @KellysLuckyYou @amomsimpression @dentistmel @SavvyMomNYC @SearsStyle. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Sears giftcards. #ThisisStyle RSVP
ScotchBrite Holiday Twitter Party at 8 pm ET with @makobiscribe @scotchbrite_3M. Prizes: $100 Target giftcard and THREE (3) Scotch Brite brand dishwand suite packages. #ScotchBrite. RSVP
Window Covering Safety Cord Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @CordSafety @MomitForward and others. Prize: $50 giftcard in-chat, plus enter the $250 giftcard drawing. #GNO #CordSafety RSVP
Smithsonian Museum Mom Travel Chat at 9 pm ET with @Familiesgo. Prizes: 2-nite stay at Rouge Hotel in Washington, D.C. ARV $580 and a Piggyback Child Carrier ARV $100. #MOMTravelChat RSVP
Caseco Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @chancesmommy @casecocases @cellularfirminc. Prizes: SEVEN (7) Caseco $50 gift codes and ONE (1) Grand Prize that includes an iPhone 5C, Caseco protective case of winner's choice, Caseco PowerBox Universal and Caseco pill charger. ONE (1) iPad winner will be announced at this party - Both U.S. & Canada residents eligible to win prizes. #CasecoParty RSVP
Halloween Savings Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @maritramos @afrugalchick @savings @savingsclasses and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Target giftcards, ONE (1) $50 Amazon GC, ONE (1) $50 Incoco GC, ONE (1) $100 Amazon GC, and ONE (1) Halloween Express GC. #HalloweenSavings RSVP
Divina Latina Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @superlatinashow @paulabendfeldt @hotmamanthecity @LatinaMomBlogs and others. Prizes: TWO (2) $50 Walgreens giftcards; TWO (2) $100 Walgreens GCs; ONE (1) $200 Walgreens GC. #DivinaRedCarpet RSVP
Baby Kicks Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @InquisitiveMom @BabyKicksUSA. Prizes: Four (4) Baby Kicks prize packs. #BabyKicks RSVP
Hoya Lenses Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @lomargie @freebies4mom @profmurrayhoya. Prize: FIVE (5) prizes, including one Kindle Fire. #HoyaLenses RSVP
Switch to Natural Dyes Twitter Party 9-10:30 pm ET with @BookieBoo @ColorGardenDyes @NaturallySavvy. Prizes: ONE (1) Grand Prize non-toxic baking gift basket ARV $100; ONE (1) non-toxic gift basket valued at each of these amounts: $80, $70, $60, $50, $40, $30 and $25. #ColorGardenDyes RSVP
Wednesday, October 23
Scent Savings Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @dentistmel @jmanmillerbug. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #ScentSavings RSVP
Conair Curl Twitter Party at 3 pm ET with @sweeptight @therebelchick. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #ConairCurl RSVP
Thursday, October 24
Spooky Celebration Twitter Party at 1 pm ET with @blm03 @formulamom. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #SpookyCelebration RSVP
Contours Bliss Twitter Party at 7 pm ET with @socialmoms @contoursbaby. Prizes: TWENTY (20) $20 Amazon giftcards; TWO (2) Grand Prizes: Contours Bliss 4-in-1 Strollers ARV $399.99. #ContoursBliss RSVP
Join the Fight Against Breast Cancer Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @Touchstonecryst @comiendoenla @coolchillmom and others. Prizes: FOUR (4) winners will each get a Touchstone crystal piece; ONE (1) Grand Prize $60 jewelry piece #MuyLatinas RSVP
Friday, October 25
Saute Express Twitter Party at Noon ET with @DawnChats @TurningClockBac @LandoLakesktchn. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #SauteExpress RSVP
Cup of Kaffe at 1 pm ET with @therebelchick @momwithadotcom @gevalia. Prizes: FIVE (5) $100 Walmart giftcards. #CupofKaffe RSVP
Weekly Verizon Wireless Twitter Party chatting about smartphone photography hosted by @theonlinemom @thetechdad @robynsworld @VerizonInsider at 3 pm ET. Prizes: TBA. To be eligible to win participate in chat, use hashtag #VZWBuzz and RSVP
Tuesday, October 29
Twitter Party for a Cause with AK Ventilation at 2 pm ET with @HillHouseMedia @HillHouseRock @Heather69195426 @AKVentilation. Prizes: FIVE (5) AKventilation prize packs + FOUR (4) $50 Visa giftcards. #ClimateChange #AirKing RSVP
Great Call Urgent Care Twitter Party at 2 pm ET with @brettbmartin @kellibmiller and others. Prizes: TBA. #UrgentCareapp RSVP
Friday, October 25
Disney Channel Peanus Great Pumpkin Halloween Twitter Instagram Party at 7 pm ET with Debby Ryan. Prizes TBA. RSVP
Sunday, November 3
Coffee Mate Mira Quien Baila Companero Perfecto Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @LasGringasBlog @Coffee_Mate. Prize: Coffee Mate prize pack that includes a $50 restaurant giftcard and branded products. #CompaneroPerfecto RSVP
Wednesday, November 6
LGBT Family Travel Twitter Party at 9 pm ET with @TravelingMoms @KimOrlando @cindyrichards @Debmomof3 @Mombian @ehechtmcgowan @KimSimes @ResidenceInn. Prizes: TWO (2) signed cookbooks; ONE (1) Grand Prize $250 Residence Inn by Marriott giftcard. #TMom #RIFamily RSVP
Tuesday, November 12
Switch to Swerve Twitter Party 9-10:30 pm ET with @BookieBoo @SwerveSweetie. Prizes: 15 Swerve Giveaways, details TBA. #Switch2Swerve RSVP
Friday, November 29
Bark Friday Twitter Party at Noon ET with @AllThingsDog @EventBarkers. Prizes: TEN (10) doggie prize packages valued at approx $100 each. Participate in party w/ hashtag #BarkFriday. More details soon
About this Weekly Twitter Party List
Compiled by Twitter Parties are listed free of charge in this weekly schedule. However keep in mind that each party is run by a different brand and/or hosts and MommyBlogExpert, unless specified otherwise, is not responsible for any dealings readers have with these events including, but not limited to, prizing of any party on the calendar. Add an event to the Mommy Blog Expert Twitter Party Calendar free by emailing with Twitter Party in subject line including all details and links in the body of your message.
Also available, for a nominal fee, to host, co-host or serve as a panelist for your own brand Twitter party. To inquire, please email for information with Twitter Party Consulting Query in the subject line.
FTC Disclosure: MommyBlogExpert does attend some Twitter parties as a guest and also works as a host, co-host, and panelist on others. However, I did not receive any payment or other compensation associated with this post. See complete FTC Disclosure information that appears at the bottom of MommyBlogExpert's main page and at the bottom of every individual post on this blog, including this one.
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