Thursday, June 11, 2020

Influencers and Bloggers More Traffic Tips

Influencer Secrets

How to Grow Your Brand, Social Channels

MBE partnered with Russell Brunson for this story, post contains affiliate links

Though I've been working as an influencer for more than a decade, it's still a priority to constantly learn new things to keep my skill set current. In fact, during the past few weeks I have been reading Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels With Your Dream Customers by Russell Brunson which I received to facilitate this sponsored content, I've acquired more new knowledge than I ever thought possible about innovative strategies to integrate into better serving MBE's audience. 

Influencer Traffic Building Tips

This latest educational journey began last month as I started applying what I've learnt so far from Traffic Secrets. By sharing some of the highpoints of this learning adventure, my hope is that other lifestyle influencers at all levels -- beginners to seasoned professionals like me -- will also benefit from this book and by hearing about my own first-hand experiences with it.

A Hands-On Overview of the Book

I know it's frustrating, but it's a common problem for a lot of bloggers and influencers. If you're like me, you're producing great content and images, but your audience still isn't growing as much as you'd like. 

What gives? Just because you build it, doesn't mean your readers or buyers (if you're selling a product) will come and read your content and/or buy what you're offering for sale, right? That's where reading Traffic Secrets and doing the suggested exercises in each section can potentially help us both to dig deeper, to discover who our brands' audiences are, where they're hiding out, how to reach them and how to get them to take action.

The book is divided into three parts to help you build more awareness and drive more traffic for your brand.
  • Your Dream Customer
  • Fill Your Funnel
  • Growth Hacking

Influencer Tips to Drive More Traffic

As you go through the pages in each section, Brunson shares a total of 20 Secret Tips with homework for you to do with each to put his words into practice. 

In Section I, you'll learn about tips for finding your dream customers and where they are hiding as well as discovering and identifying your top 100 competitors in your niche and then model your own brand strategies after them.

Section II will help you better understand how funnels work and how to fill yours with organic and paid ads that drive traffic to your brand. This part of the book also takes you through the steps necessary to figure out who the top 100 people you should follow are on each of your active social media channels and how to build and leverage relationships with them.

Finally, in Section III the author takes you through the steps involved in creating a Funnel Hub, capitalizing on other company's existing distribution channels, working with affiliates and learning other new growth hacks.

As you work through this book, take your time to absorb everything without rushing through. There is so much to learn here, so be really patient with yourself and remember Rome wasn't built in a day. Another tip: Don't skip any of the chapters and the exercises that go along with the process since you want to lay down a strong foundation as you build your dream business skyward.

Admittedly, it does involve some effort on your part to follow through with the key strategies outlined and incorporate them in a way that makes sense for your own business. However, it's all worth it because all that hard work, if done right and done consistently, can help you reach your goals, ultimately growing your traffic, following, and engagement on your site and/or social media channels, and perhaps even impacting sales, depending on your focus and goals.

Traffic Secrets Book by Russell Brunson

About Traffic Secrets and Russell Brunson

Too many businesses with great ideas start and fail because these entrepreneurs don't understand the most essential skill: the art of getting consumers to find you. The book Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers by Russell Brunson removes the mystery behind turning failure into success with a book based on classic and foundational direct marketing techniques that can help a wide variety of businesses grow. The CEO of ClickFunnels which launched in 2014 and is now a $100M company,  Brunson is also a best-selling author. 

How to Get Traffic Secrets Free

Visit to learn more about the author and find out how you can get a free copy of this new book.

MBE participates in the Amazon Affiliates partner program and we receive a bit of compensation when readers click on links in this post and make a purchase.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson. My opinions are my own. I also disclose that I am an Amazon Affiliate partner and I will receive a bit of compensation, at no etra cost to you when readers by this book.


  1. I definitely need to get this book. I have been trying so hard to grow my following, and it's been so hard. You get to a certain point, and it's just diminishing returns.

  2. I am reading this book. I am learning a lot about increasing my traffic

  3. I love Russell Brunson! He has so much great knowledge and he breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand and implement! I've read his other books and I'm looking forward to finishing this one!

  4. I bought this book, after hearing so much about it! I can't wait to read it!

  5. I've never heard of this book but I will definitely take a look. Thanks for sharing this. It's really helpful.

  6. I can't wait to have a copy of this book! Sounds amazing!

  7. I've heard great things about Russel Brunson. This book sounds like a great tool. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I have been considering this book! Thank you for your thorough review!

  9. I need all the help I can get right now since the summer slump has hit. I need to check out this book for all the right tips.
