Wednesday, March 24, 2021

A Baby Boomer’s Encounters with Hip Pain

Zimmer Biomet Sponsored Post 
For MommyBlog 

By Janis Brett Elspas
Mommy Blog Expert 

Note: Readers should consider this post for informational purposes only. Always consult with your own doctor and healthcare team as this is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. 

A Personal Journey

This is the story of my personal journey with osteoarthritis and chronic hip pain. Several years after learning my orthopedic surgeon’s diagnosis, I am still in shock, struggling to come to terms with the fact that I have severe bone-on-bone osteoarthritis in my hip with eroded cartilage and bone spurs. With no family history of arthritis, joint replacements, nor any other major health issues, and now approaching my mid-60s --- how could this be?

Family Ski Trip Mammoth Mountain California

This post is sponsored by Zimmer Biomet. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of Zimmer Biomet. 

I thrive on adventure, enjoy staying active, and love to travel with my family. In fact, up until recently, I was in denial trying to convince myself that I’m still too young and too physically fit to slow down. In recent months, my joint pain seems to just be getting worse, without a day going by when I don’t think about it consciously. I’ve discovered there is a wealth of supplementary resources I can also tap into via Don’t Let Pain Gain on You, an educational campaign hosted by Zimmer Biomet with helpful resources about joint health and joint replacement that can help inform conversations that I have with my doctor about joint replacement surgery. 

I decided it was time to do a reality check, to open my mind to doing something more proactive about the pain, to change my mindset and dig deeper. The next thing I did was talk at length with several of my female friends who are the exact same age as I am, and who both have had successful hip replacement surgery within the last few years. While hip replacement surgery undoubtedly involves surgical pain and at times a difficult post-surgery rehab process, neither of these friends of mine have any regrets about the procedures they underwent, and both have encouraged me to keep an open mind about following suit.  Still, I did not want to rush into making such a serious decision about my body just because a few friends I know are doing it. What I have realized from listening to their stories is that one thing is crystal clear: each individual’s lifestyle and physical condition is unique. Just like there are no two people with identical fingerprints, my own physical and mental situation is different as night and day from everyone else’s. 

My hope is that by sharing my own hip pain challenges, thoughts, decision making processes, resources and insights publicly, we can stand on a common ground together. That I can inspire others who find themselves facing a similar decision to the one I’m now making; that you and I both have the vision, tools and energy at our disposals to take action that positively impacts, rather than detracts from, living the best life either you or I might live.

In retrospect, I realize now that I first noticed signs of joint trouble when I was in my late 40s which probably had little to do with breaking my leg at 8-years old – which I often attributed it to, and more likely caused by aging and heredity. Thinking back to all the multi-week summer road trips taken with my kids and hubbie, I vaguely remember my hip feeling a little stiff, numb and sore off-and-on when climbing in and out of our SUV after several hours of driving and sitting while exploring America’s back roads and national parks. 

As my range of motion became more limited and I wasn’t able to, for example, sit cross-legged on the floor, my physical therapist sent me for re-evaluation by an orthopedist. After the MRI results came back, my bone specialist gave me the bad news: I had osteoarthritis and was potentially a candidate for a complete hip replacement rather than simply hip cartilage repair due to my age and the extent of the damage.

As soon as I returned home from my most recent ski trip, where I suffered from joint pain taking over my days, I decided to face the music. To sit down, take inventory and make a deeper, honest assessment of my true condition. This resulted in a long list of all the ways I was compensating for the hip pain I have endured for years. I was faced with a lengthy list of the many lifestyle modifications I’ve made in recent years and months and realized that these changes were only the tip of the iceberg. Most importantly, I didn’t want hip pain to prevent me from being able to participate in the ceremony as mother of the bride, but also wanted to be able to dance with my daughter at the wedding reception. While the wedding was incredible, in retrospect my hip pain prevented me from moving comfortably and dancing as I wished I could have.

Wedding Family Portrait Father Mother of Bride With Groom

Looking at that list, I ask myself with all these adaptations I’ve made in the past few years, how I can I keep ignoring all that inconvenience and long-term suffering from my chronic joint pain? Joint pain is not only affecting my daytime activities, it’s also seeping into my ability to wake up well-rested each morning. I’ve always been a heavy sleeper, but now I often have major trouble sleeping at night because of the nearly constant aches and sharp pains keeping me awake, leading to fatigue and a much lower energy level during the day. 

Today I’m at the crossroads, still on the fence about going ahead with a complete hip replacement. To make an informed decision, I still want to know more, to completely educate myself about joint replacement surgery. Not only that, I also want to understand more about what to expect when proceeding with an elective surgery in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as take a glimpse into what the intricacies of the rehabilitation process might involve.

Mom Spring Dress on Walk

To get answers to these and many other questions, of course, like you, I will consult my doctor and healthcare team first and continue to educate myself with resources from Don’t Let Pain Gain on You. As I start looking into my options to take the next step in my joint pain journey, I feel optimistic for what is to come. 

About Don’t Let Pain Gain on You 

If you are contemplating joint replacement like I am --  or even have already decided on this type of orthopedic surgery in the near future -- after meeting with your healthcare team, I encourage you to check this free and useful site out to enhance what you’ve learned and to educate and empower yourself to make the best-informed decisions possible. Not only will you find more general information here, you’ll discover digital resources which may help you gain confidence to alleviate your worries related to the COVID-19 pandemic about hospital safety and rehabilitation. 

Important: Remember, this post is for informational purposes only and it is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Any questions or concerns should be directed to your own doctor and healthcare team. Depending on COVID-19 restrictions in your area, your healthcare provider can confirm whether elective surgeries are actively taking place where you live or if they may be temporarily paused. 

This post is sponsored by Zimmer Biomet. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of Zimmer Biomet.


  1. I feel this post. Literally. I feel it. I'm not a boomer, but I'm only NOT a boomer by a hair. My hips have been telling me that while I might not officially be one, I am most certainly feeling the pains of one. LOL

    1. Ben, Thanks so much for sharing your experience. If you have concerns, consider speaking to your healthcare provider. In addition, I would also check out for more information you may be interested in.

  2. Thanks for sharing your story. It's so motivating. Keep up that courage you had in you. God bless.

    1. Nina, Glad to hear you found my personal story motivating. I appreciate your kind words and blessings.

  3. Wow, I am so sorry you have had to endure this. I am sure you will make the best decision for yourself.

    1. Mama, Thanks so much for weighing in and sharing your thoughts. I'm confident that by consulting my healthcare team and supplementing that professional care by tapping into online resources like I'll be able to make informed choices that are best for me.

  4. I hope you're able to get more answers and if you choose the joint replacement that it helps. I could only imagine how painful this could be.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. Getting professional advice from my doctors, as well as continuing to read and learn as much as I can about joint replacement, has been so assuring as I continue my journey.

  5. Hip injuries are nothing to balk at. I hope you start feeling even better!

    1. Alexandra, Your comment is so sweet. I really appreciate that you took the time to wish me well in this journey.

  6. I don't have any joint or hip pain yet. If I do, I will check it out!

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. Best wishes that things continue to go well for you.

  7. I feel sorry for the pain that you are experiencing right now, although I am not experiencing it I know how hard it is because I saw it with my cousin who also have the same diagnosis.

    1. Thank you, Gervin and sorry to hear about your cousin. In addition to doctor consultations, I suggest he/she check out This is a great resource for accessing information, articles and videos that may help them take steps to get relief from their joint pain.

  8. This article was good to read. As we get older, we have physical challenges. It is important to help people realize this is normal and to accept it.

    1. Thanks Janeane for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment on my post. For sure, as we age, the chance of physical challenges increases for some but not all men and women. I've learnt much related to my own hip pain journey from both my doctors and the information and videos I've accessed on the site.
